Isabelle Müller


Impressions 2015

Dear readers and fans

The year 2014 is now behind us. For me, it was a year of reflection and love, a year of family and friendship, of joy and anticipation. Anticipation for this new Year of the Goat, which we have been in since February 19.

2014 was also a year of hard work. I have consistently cleared obstacles and everything that is fundamentally not in line with my principles out of the way. I got the rights for the work “Phoenix Daughter – Hope Was My Way” back in full. A screenplay is being written. The new version of my next work “Loan – From the Life of a Phoenix” is ready. The topics of school construction in Vietnam, foundation and book publication are taking shape. Small and large miracles are constantly showing me the way 🙂
I can now approach 2015 with renewed strength and courage. As best I can, I will keep you up to date with pictures this year.

I will be delighted if you continue to accompany and support me!
Your “Phoenix daughter”

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