Dear readers and fans
I can now look back on a successful 2011: I was able to complete my 128th reading. Enriching, wonderful events on a small or large scale as well as groundbreaking TV appearances shaped the year and gave me the strength to continue pursuing my goals.
I consciously stand in the fight against child abuse and sexual violence, and as I am convinced of the “power of summoning”, I did indeed have wonderful encounters. I met people with the same ideals. With these “companions”, I will now set things in motion in 2012. And I will always keep an eye on my other goals (including publishing my mother’s biography/building a school in Vietnam).
In the Asian horoscope, the Year of the Dragon begins on January 23, 2012. I was born under this zodiac sign, also Gemini and ascendant Leo. What does that mean?
I would be delighted if you would continue to accompany and support me!
Your phoenix daughter