Isabelle Müller


Impressions 2019

Dear readers, fans, friends and supporters,

The new Lunar Year of the Pig (element earth) began on February 5, 2019. It is a year that is characterized by community. Loyalty, commitment and hard work are to be rewarded. Especially for people who are socially committed and do good, the year should be characterized by financial blessings, joie de vivre and happiness.

2019 has started for me with this in mind. Commitment and hard work are part of my life and I am very lucky to be surrounded by people who are always happy to support me and encourage me to keep my goals in mind, no matter what. Even though the plan for a European film adaptation of “Loan – From the Life of a Phoenix” has been put on hold (because the scriptwriters involved are not ready), I remain optimistic. “One door closes, two doors open” remains my motto in life.

The first door to open is probably that of Vietnamese director Mr. Nguyen Hoang, who was on tour with me in Europe and Asia in the first quarter of 2019. His documentary about the life of “Loan” is due to be broadcast in Vietnam this fall. It remains to be seen what impact this film will have.

The second door is probably the successful third edition of “Loan” in Vietnam. The book is obviously moving a whole, younger generation of Vietnamese who are very interested in this historical part of their country.

The resulting royalties continue to flow into our charitable educational projects for the benefit of children from ethnic minorities in northern Vietnam (LOAN Foundation projects). Reading and doing good at the same time. It’s a wonderful combination.

I would be delighted if you would continue to accompany and support me – with your book purchase, with a “Like” on Facebook and/or with a donation for our voluntary work at the LOAN Foundation (IBAN DE24 6665 0085 0008 9550 00). A big thank you at this point, also on behalf of the children in northern Vietnam:)

I sincerely wish us all good health, common sense, confidence, courage, happiness and success, and above all a good, pure heart in everything we do!

Sincerely yours,

Your Isabelle Müller

P.S.: In return for a donation of your choice to the LOAN Foundation, I will be happy to send you the Vietnamese version of “Loan – From the Life of a Phoenix” after receipt of payment. Please enter your name and address in the contact form, thank you!

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